Hitting First breaks new ground in exposing political and semantic manipulations on the road to war in Iraq, the dumbing down of threat imminence",the covering up of internal dissent"
The second methods of this book is also one that I have found to be helpful to students. It would be an exageration to say that the real world of politics is one well-organized whole. There are many things within politics that have only the most remote linkage with other things in politics.
Sejak kelahirannya di antara suku - suku pengembara pada ;abad 7 M di Jazirah Arab, islam sampai saat ini merupakan salah satu agama terbesar di dunia. buku ini merupakan kajian ringkas dan otoritatif tentang perkembangan islam.
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk pembaca, baik akademisi maupun profesional. Buku ini sebagai referensi dasar dan cocok untik pembelajaran mandiri bagi profesional yang tertarik dalam bidamg ini. Sebagai sebuah buku teks, buku ini dapat digunakan untuk kuliah satu-semester atau dua-semester.
This book is designed for the basic introductory course, but i hope its emphasis on the frontiers of sociological research and its combination of classic and new research will make it a useful reference source fpr students to carry with them through more advanced social science course.One major way in which sociology in a changing world differs from other sociology texts in this its consistent …
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam kuliah pengantar antropologi ditingkat perguruan tinggi buku membahas bagian-bagian pokok dari antropologi-antropologi fisik dan antropologi budaya, termasuk etnologi, lingustik, dan arkeologi bersejarah-dan menyajikan konsep dan terminologi kunci yang berhubungan erat dengan tiap-tiap bagian itu.
The content throughout each chapter of the book has been updated, where merited, based on contemporary research findings regarding the effects of nutritional practices on health, fitness, and sport performance. Over 450 new references, including clinical studies, reviews, and meta-analyses, have been added to the text.