Dengan demikian isi buku ini secara garis besar hal,yaitu : (i) pengetahuan mengenai analisis untuk menyusun marketing plan; (ii) pengetahuan untuk memformulasikan strategi dan rencana dalam marketing plan; (iii) lampirn yang berisi for,-form untuk melatih penyusun marketing plan secara menyekuruh dan terarah.
This book evolve from a given at the Columbia Business School called Marketing Planning and Strategy. In the mid 1970s, the marketing faculty at Columbia realized that traditional marketing management courses in business school curricula were fine for preparing MBA students for senior-level marketing positions, but did not equip them with the tools necessary for first jobs with such titles as a…
Buku ini dimotivasi penulisannya oleh karena penulis memerlukan buku yang sederhana dan memberikan contoh-contoh riel bagi pembaca sehingga mereka mampu mencerna apa dan bagaimana pemasaran. Buku teks diharapkan yang menyentuh dan membicarakan pengetahuan tentang marketing yang ada disekitar lingkungan nasional, sehingga pemahaman dan penghayatan pengetahuan marketing bisa ditingkatkan.
As we move through the early 1980s, the socioeconomic setting is different from what it was 10 or 20 years ago. Today both our economic growth rate and our birthrate have slowed down. We are faced with the soaring cost of energy, the constant threat of high inflation, and increased government regulation. Some industries face intensive foreign competition, and other industries have to contend pe…
Banyaknya kekurangan yang ada pada edisi pertama (diterbitkan tahun 1977), baik tentang materi, susunan kalimat, istilah-istilah, maupun formatnya, mendorong penulis untuk memperbaikinya. Dan baru pada tahun 1979 buku AZAS-AZAS MARKETING dengan revisi ini berhasil diterbitkan. Semula hanya berisi enam bab, sekarang ditambah menjasdi duapuluh tiga bab yang terbagi ke dalam delapan bagian.
We developed this set of marketing clippings from popular business publications to accompany our texts the new 1o th edition of basic marketing and the 4 th edition of essentials of marketing.""
Our Objective is for this book to provide a flexible and helpful set of teaching and learing materials. We have included clippings (articles) on a wide varietly of topics. The clippings deal with consumer products and industrial product, goods and services, new developments in marketing as well as traditional issues, and large well known companies as well as new , small ones.