There convictions underlie this book's content :rn1. The quality of life in our country is strongly influenced by the existence and activities of smaller firms.rn2. Running a business successfully is a demanding task.rn3. Marketing is the key to accomplishing this task.
Our goal for Marketing Management: Knowledge & Skill has always been very clear to us: to enhance students' knowledge of marketing management and to advance their skills in utilizing this knowledge to develop and implement successful marketing strategies.
All the activity associated with the development, production, and marketing of commercial aircraft and space vehicles requires milions of people from around the world to work together. Moreover, nop company does more to enable people from all countries to meet face to face for both recreation and commerce. All this intercation yields not just the mutual gain associated with business relationshi…
This guide is designed to give you, the marketing student, every advantage in mastering the concepts presented in Marketing by Eric N. Berkowitz, Roger A. Kerin, and William Rudelius. Used as a comparison text, this study guide will provide you with a competitive edge by identifying and organizing the most important terms, concepts, and applications in an interesting, concise, and educationally…