Di dalam buku ini teori psikologi sosial disajikan berdasarkan kelompok-kelompok orientasi, antara lain orientasi faktor penguat, teori lapangan, kesadaran, dan psikoanalisis serta pendekatan orientasi.
Ruang lingkup ekonomi sumber daya manusia yang dianalisa dalam buku ekonomi sumber daya manusia adalah persoalan kependudukan, ketenagakerjaan, struktur ketenagakerjaan, sektor informal-formal, transisi kependudukan, mobilitas penduduk, migrasi penduduk, permintaan dan penawaran tenaga kerja, perencanaan ketenagakerjaan, serta penduduk dan pembangunan ekonomi, akan memberikan gambaran mengenai …
Krisis global yang melanda dunia saat ini memiliki dampak yang sangat besar terhadap berbagai bidang industri. Buku yang berjudul peradilan hubungan industrial ini dihadirkan untuk memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dalam penyelesaian perselisihan industrial. Di dalam buku ini diuraikan secara jelas mengenai konflik atau perselisihan yang sering kali terjadi dalam hubungan industrial serta penyeles…
America's political system is a comprehansive introduction to the whole landscape American goverment. An examination of our rich constitutional and political traditions is complemented by an analysis of our contemporary political institutions and practices. Every aspect of the American system is examined in the context of the constitution, enabling students to compare the present state of Ameri…
A well known adage warns that in many social settings well to avoid discussing either politics or religion; presumably such conversations generate more heat than light. Political analysis: technique and practice is an effort to counter at least half that proposition.
Anyone who writes an introductory American goverment text faces the callenge of describing and explaining a vast amount of schlarship. One way is to pile fact upon fact and list upon list. It's acommon enough approach but it turns politic into a pretty dry subject. Politics doen't have to be dry, and it certainly doesn't have to be dull. Politics has all the elements of drama, and the added fea…
We had several objectives in preparing this book. FIrst, we wanted to develop a book that focus on public policy its initition, its adaption, its implementation, and its evaluation in the study goverment and politics in Texas. Texas curently faces policy choice as difficult and as critical as those at any time in the state history. It is essential, we believe, that student understand how we got…
The essay in this volume are concerned with economic issues, with peace and foreign policy, with his own recollection of contemporary statesmen and writers, and with delightful memories of california, Vermont and Switzerland. And Galbraith's observation on the 'great socialist revival' under nixon on economics as a system of believe are as lucid and humorous as his account of Khurshchev meeting…
Reflecting the press of events, we have made numerous changes in this, the fourth edition of points of view. All selections that fall under the topics federalism
Dalam buku ini diberika pokok-pokok uraian tentang dasar falsafah negara pancasila yang di Indonesia berdasarkan undang-undang perguruan tinggi (undang-undang no.22 tahun 1961) pasal 9 ayat 2.