This study focuses on the motives of South Yemen's leaders in developing a revolutionary strategy. Until the late 1970s they engaged mainly in insurgency in Oman and Northern Yemen, but by the 1980s they had shifted toward emphasizing long-term strategis cooperation with the USSR.
This book examines some of the most impirtan issues on today's international agenda. By tracing the logic of the wesphalian system of sovereign nations-state, its growth and development over the past three hundred years as the organizing mode for the entire world, and the threats to its continued ability to prvide the kind of ordering framework needed today, professor Miller provides the rider …
This study explores the possibilities for the smaller nations of europe to make positive contributions to the verification of reductions in conventional forces and arms, a chemical weapons convention on a comprehensive nuclear test ban.
This book is a pioneering and scholarly assesment of the diversity of understanding of the longstanding core concept of Indonesiaan national ideology and its uses in public live. This book begun several years ago with the purpose of understanding why the Indonesian goverment devotes and extraordinary amount of resorces to the propagation of pancasila the national ideology.
In this newly second edition, Thomas H. Greene traces the causes and characteristics of a wide range of revolutionary movements, with a view to integrating propositions and hypotheses about the revolutionary process into one or several theories of revolution.""
The purpose of this volume is to examine the condition of democratic institutions and practices throughout the world. This includes not only the health of existing full and partial democracies, but also any movement in more authoritarian states toward ar away from liberal-democratic values and practices.
Menuju abad 21 merupakan bacaan wajib bagi tiap orang yang peduli terhadap masa depan planet kita. David C. Korten dalam buku ini mencanangkan tantangan lebih tinggi bagi kita semua dengan memperlihatkan kekuatan global gerakan rakyat. Pemahaman David C. Korten tentang ajang pembangunan internasional dan organisasi pembangunan sukarel mencapai tingkat persepsi baru dalam karyanya yang sangat me…
Buku ini tampil untuk memberi latar yang lengkap bagi disiplin-disiplin yang bernaung dibawah sebutan ilmu sosial. Dengan panduan ini mahasiswa pemula atau calon mahasiswa ilmu sosial dapat mulai mempelajari akar ilmu sosial yang membicaraakan aspek kesejarahan, asal-usul, percabangan, dan tempatnya dalam konstelasi ilmu pengetahuan secara keseluruhan.
Buku ini merupakan sebuah upaya awal penjelajahan atas kemungkinan pengembangan politik kewarganegaraan menyusul terjadinya reformasi politik menuju demokrasi di negeri ini. Dengan mengembangkan konsep kewarganegaraan yang berorientasi pada hak-hak dasar (hak sipil, politik, sosio-ekonomi), maka format politik yang dibangunakan meninggalkan orientasi negara kuat yang terbukti telah menghancurka…