The fact that politicians are hopeless at business is not news. besides, i have already written that book. what is interesting is why new zealand was able to turn around its basket-case state business. I think we discovered some remarkable things about what causes succes that is worthy of another book.
This book seeks to answer these questions and sets out a rigorous framework for the development of a more prosperous new zealand economy.
Sesuai dengan itu , maka buku ini kami maksudkan untuk dipergunakan oleh mahasiswa, yang mengikuti pertama kali mata kuliah ekonomi perusahaan.
The business guide to namibia is intended not only to be the authoritative introduction to namibian economics and government aimed at the foreign investor, but to also serve as a general reference guide to diplomats, journalist, researchers and anybody else with more than a cursory interest in the country.
Today east asia is the richest part of the world outside the old industry centres of western europe and north america.
The reform of the new zealand economy began to look like a revolution in the hands of the fourth labour government - but the real change had begun well before 1984.
Paket oktober 1993 sebetulnya memberikan peluang bagi pengusaha daerah untuk berkiprah. deregulasi ini lebih banyak berupa desentralisasi pengambilan keputusan perizinan pada daerah tingkat II.
Suatu aturan huku, yang memadai sangat diperlukan dalam proses pengelolaan tersebut. Mengapa demikian? Karena negara kita adalah negara hukum, di mana segala sesuatu diatur dengan hukum. Buku ini membahas tentang hukum acara pidana dan hukum pidana di bidang perikanan dan kelautan untuk membantu kebutuhan praktik bidang peradilan. Berguna bagi kalangan praktisi hukum seperti penyidik, penuntut …
Origin and Aims. The United Nations is an assosiation of states which have pledgs themselves to maintain international peace and security and coperate in solving international political, economic, social , cultural an humanitarian problems towards achieving this end.
This is an introductory text on social research and is designed for students undertaking undergraduate cources in social sciences and related disciplines. Its main aim is to introduce methods and techniques of social research and their methodological frameworks, and to demonstrate their purpose, relevance and effectiveness.