The thrid edition of mathematics gives a solid foundation in the non-calculus portions of mathematics needed by students majoring in the management,life,and scial sciences.
This book is suitable for either a sophomore-level course.
The Mathematical concepts and principles in this text can be covered in a one-semester or two-quarter course in begining algebra.
This collection of problems is designed for students studying mathematical analysis in higher techicational instional institutions.
In this edition we have maintained the use of clear, direct language that the student will find understandable and we have increased the rigor of the examples and explanations.
Algebra and trigonometry is suitable for courses in algebra and trigonometry that range from one-quarter to two semesters.
This text is designed for a one-semester introductory course in statistic. It could be used in those colleges and universities that teach a general course appropriate for students majoring in, or intending to major in, many different areas.
Analisis vektor yang mulai dikembangkan pada pertengahan abad ke-19, dewasa ini merupakan bagian penting latar belakang matematika yang diperlukan sarjana-sarjana teknik, fisika, matematika dan ilmuwan-ilmuwan lainnya.
Tidak gampang dan tidak selalu dapat ditemukan solusi matematis yang tepat untuk masalah teknik.
Anggapan kita bahwa metode numerik dan komputer akan tampil lebih mencolok dalam kurikulum bidang teknik-khususnya dalam bagian awal-yang telah ditunjang secara dramatis.