KOMUNIKASI BISNIS (Sri Astuti). Dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat mempelajari pentingnya menguasai keterampilan komunikasi baik secara tertulis, lisan maupun nonverbal dan bagaimana meningkatkan keterampilan tersebut. Dijelaskan pula dasar proses komunikasi personal maupun organisasi baik dari sisi konseptual hingga aplikasinya secara sistematis dan dalam bahasa yang mudah dimengerti.
OCCUPANCY RATES OF HOTEL ROOM 1984.This publication's presentation has been made possible by the assistence from various parties, especially those from the hotel manager, how have regularly filled out the HT-1 questionnaires willingly and sumbitted the to the officials of the statistics offices throughout Indonesia at the biginning of each month.
ANALISIS KESEJAHTERAAN RUMAHTANGGA DI INDONESIA.Dalam publik ini, perbedaan persepsi tentang tingkat kesejahteraan antar rumah tangga dibahas berdasarkan banyak faktor. Di samping itu dengang menggunakan suatu metode statistik hal tersebut juga bisa dikajikan berdasarkan dimensi tunggal yaitu gabungan faktor-faktor yang merupakan komponen dari tinggat kesejahteraan.
MANAJEMEN (jilid 1). Sasaran kami untuk edisi ini adalah menyadarkan para mahasiswa terhadap perubahan lingkungan ini dan menunjukkan untuk mereka bagaimana manajer yang efektif melakukan adaptasi. Kami menggunakan istilah keterlibatan dinamis di antara orang-orang seluruh dunia untuk menonjolkan perubahan ini.""
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. This book can be of value both students majoring in CIS or other computer-related disciplines, MIS, and for business majors, particulary those following a sequence in management. With these target audiences in mind, the book has been structured to encompass both the general principles f organizational planning at multiple levels (strategic,tactical, and operation…
ESSENTIALS OF MANAGEMENT. This book is a concise version of the seventh edition of our managemen, whose many prior editions and translations under the title of principles of management have been well accepted by readers for more than a quarter century. responding to a demand for a shorter book dealing only wih the essentials of management, we have written this version of the parent text.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. This book can be of value both students majoring in CIS or other computer-related disciplines, MIS, and for business majors, particulary those following a sequence in management. With these target audiences in mind, the book has been structured to encompass both the general principles f organizational planning at multiple levels (strategic,tactical, and operation…
INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.This book is about the challenges of IRM as a concept and ass a managerial reality. It is a book about profesionals and aspiring profesionals interested in tehe future face and functions of computer inclisive informasion system.