There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Buku ii menyajikan penerapan teori ekonomi serta metodologinya dalam proses pengambilan keputusan di dunia bisnis, dalam kondisi riil yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian dan resiko.
The essay in this volume are concerned with economic issues, with peace and foreign policy, with his own recollection of contemporary statesmen and writers, and with delightful memories of california, Vermont and Switzerland. And Galbraith's observation on the 'great socialist revival' under nixon on economics as a system of believe are as lucid and humorous as his account of Khurshchev meeting…
MIcroecomonics reflects the challenge that specific topics and concept will likely pose for average students. for instance, the theory of the firm and macro output and price level determination are carefully treated. Here simplicity is corelated with comprehensivennes, not brevity.
This approach to microeconomics is markedly different from many others currently in use, love it or hate it, my method diverges from the status quo in some fundamental ways. My hope is that student snd instructors alike will be engaged an dinspired by this text.
We have three main goals for microeconomics: help the begining student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternative. help the students understand and apply the economics perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters. Promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy.
Reading this book is like having a conversation with me. I'll be rigth there with you, illustrating various point with anecdot and asking you to work out numerical problems as we go along.
Buku ini merupakan buku teks untuk pelajaran ekonomi manajerial yang diberikan di sebagian besar program bisnis dan ekonomi. Penataan buku dan topik mengikuti cara pengajaran tradisional, namun telah diperluas dengan bahan-bahan yang baru dan menarik untuk menggambarkan alat dan metode manajerial modern.