we would like to thank our colleagues who have contributed chapter to this book and encouraged eath other effort.
There's a you inside of you may not have discorved or experienced yet. at least not on a continous basis
The sucessfull parenting worksops pioneered by leading experts adele faber and eelaine mazlish basic on the words of the late child.
the parent's quide to attention deficit disordes has been grealty expanded to include 144 additional behaviors
Buku ini membahas berbagai paradigma dasar yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengembangkan Psikologi Perkembangan Islam.
dengan penerapan dua disiplin ilmu yang berbeda-pendidikan dan psikologi ini, diharapkan guru guru dan sekolah-sekolahan sebagai lembaga pendidikan mampu menggodok para pelajar bisa menjadi manusia.