Sekolah sebagai sistem terbuka, sistem sosial, dan agen perubahan diharapkan dapat peka menyesuaikan diri dan dapat mengantisipasi perkembangan-perkembangan yang akan terjadi dalam kurun waktu tertentu.
Kajian dalam buku ini berpijak pada definisi pembelajaran sebagai upaya membejalarkan siswa, dan proses belajar sebagai pengaitan pengetahuan baru pada struktur kognitif yang sudah dimiliki siswa. Pengaitan-pengaitan ini akan membentuk struktur kognitif baru yang lebih mantap, yang dapat dipandang sebagai hasil pembelajaran.
Karena hasil tidak memuaskan yang dicapai sekolah-sekolah umum, Quantum learning menjadi suatu keharusan. Kita hidup dalam dunia yang penuh tantangan. Strategi dalam buku ini dapat membantu memberikan tantangan-tantangan tersebut kepada orang dan segala usia agar sukses dalam kehidupan.
The book is designed so that the reading activities can be used sequentially throughout the year. Sometimes we may have a list of reading and ideas, but are not certain when it is appropriate to use them, especially if there is no structured reading program in place.
To successful, future teachers must have a solid knowledge of the research that support and defines effective teaching practices; develop adeep practical knowlwdge of students, strategies,and a large range of other topics; and have opportunity to apply what they have learned to cement understanding.
Methods in educational research : From theory to practice is pedagogically based: Written from fundamental perspective of how one learns in general and, more specifically, how one learns through research. In this book, we have tried to apply the techniques and instructional practice underlying good teaching to teaching people about educational research.""
This text is ideal for courses that examine current issues in school and schooling. By presenting pro and con prespective, each written in compelling advocate language, the text authorsencourage the reader to think critically an dto develop his or her own views.
Buku ini memperkenalkan kesadaran-kesadara tentang sebuah perpustakaan yang kaya pada guru"
This serves as a guide to no child left behind and as a guide to discussions in this book on the various part of the legislation. Also, I added new section and statistical tables to the caphter. Addition and changes to the book are listed below.
This book uses conceptualization of the condition which combines a neurophsiological theory with a behavioral theory in order to secure a consistent frame of reference for teachers to use. It then ties methods and materials to specific behavioral outcomes consistent with the goal of developing an adult who has acceptable skills for work and independent living.